Monday, October 02, 2006

Were we supposed to post this??

Both “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” and “Passport Photos” were very interesting to read. Both stories relayed their message through the use of personal experience and stories. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” really took the reader into the culture, however if the reader, like me, doesn’t’ understand Spanish, the text loses something in translation (that whole not being able to understand a few phrases that seems a tad crucial to the story). Someone that knows some basic Spanish would probably understand the story much better than I could. Although I don’t agree with a few of his ideas, he presents his point in a well thought-out way. I like how “Passport Photos” shows how impersonal passports really are in essence along with the whole process of coming to a country through customs. There is no respect for the story that each person has, only the very basic facts. There a lot of people that have very valid reasons for wanting to immigrate, but what reasons are good enough and who decides this?? Most parents want what’s best for their children, so is it right to deny them if that’s what best for their children?? This article shows one side of the story that’s often not shown.

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