Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Perhaps a little too impartial...

I have always been an impartial person. I see the pros and cons to both sides of any issue... I can put myself in another person's shoes and understand why the feel a certain way about an issue. Perhaps I am a little too impartial. I often wonder if this gets me into trouble, because I have a hard time finding how I feel about many a topic. But I am beginning to digress...

Immigration- it's tricky. I feel that, despite certain negative images we possess in others' minds, America is a pretty kick ass place. We are free to do whatever we want, whenever we want. We are successful, diverse, and living it up with that American Dream. I know that if I were struggling in another country, I would want to come here. In fact, I would probably do whatever I had to do to get here. So, in that aspect, I can relate to these immigrants. In fact, I want them to have every opportunity that America can give them. And as I sit here, spacing out, blaring my Humble Pie cd, I realize how trivial my problems are compared to these immigrants. Many face persecution and tremendous hardship, while I'm sitting here wondering what to wear to the club tomorrow night. So from that perspective, I feel that we should be helping these people out instead of trying to keep them away, as if they were disgusting vermin.

But then there is the flipside- I cannot help but be influenced by others such as my family, and how they view the subject. In all honesty, I come from a very racist family. If the topic of immigration comes up in conversation, the first thing said will be something awful. I am not saying that i feel this way... but I am saying that another side of me thinks, "This is our country, we work hard to keep it this way, and now they are going to come in, steal our jobs, etc." I feel horrible for thinking that way sometimes. So from this perspective I feel that if they are going to come in, fine, but the government should really crack down on who comes in and why, yadda yadda.

Like I said... for me, it's a tricky subject. And based on other blogs I have read about this issue, I would say it is tricky for many others as well. Issues like this make me realize that a lot of our world's problems could be fixed with a little more Peace, Love, and Understanding.

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