Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I enjoyed the "Framing of Immigration" article somewhat. My mind didn't wander too often so that is a definite plus. The only real annoyance I had was the spelling mistakes but as someone who never really proofreads I won't be too picky. I thought the article gave a very clear description of how framing an issue can leave out a lot of topics that go along with it. It seems with immigration there is problem upon problem and sometimes I wonder if it will ever be solved. I don't believe that there is any nice way to refer to an "illegal immigrant." There is always bound to be someone offended. The point of the article seemed to be to illustrate how immigration is not an isolate problem. It is a much broader concern and it does not seem to fit in any one frame.

I am truly surprised that I was able to read through the entire "Respect for the Law and Economic Fairness" article. It sounded like a Republican's how to get elected when it comes to immigration guide. The resolutions described sounded very harsh but some valid arguments were made. I think the whole debate over immigration is very complicated and can't be solved in 25 pages. It's already been going on for years. I have no problems personally with immigrants coming into the country as long as they do it the right way. Everyone deserves a chance at the "American dream". We can only hope that a workable solution will be reached someday.

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