Monday, October 02, 2006

Passports and languages

Passport Photos and How To Tame a Wild Tongue were both interesting reads. Passport photos gave a broader view on immigration into the US while How To.... focused more on the Mexican/Latino immigration into the US.
The English language is the most widely used language in the entire world. The US claims English as its own although technically the English language did originally come from England and before that from Germany. Relevant to the topics of language in both the readings, the US is experiences problems with the encrouching demand for the Spanish language due to the rise of Spanish speaking peoples in the US. Many people have varied views which can be both almost identical or completely opposite.
Who cares that Spanish is becoming equal to the English language? Every other country in the world learns English as a second language. I think that it would be a good idea if the US made Spanish like French is in Canada. Yeah English is considered the main language but really there can be too. WHy the big fuss with language anyway? Yes the US is a country by itself but its own identity is made of a mish-mash of so many different cultures, instead of assimilating cultures into the US let the cultures stand out and be recognized. Let these people be proud of their heritage and celebrate.
This would give the US a better image by allowing it to be the place where anyone can come and be themselves however they work for the US and are proud to be citizens.

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