Wednesday, October 11, 2006

This Is Where The Title Is.

Let me start by saying that I do not always feel comfortable sharing my opinion of things I am not completely up-to-date on. Yes, we all know (or at least we should) that immigration is an issue, but I am not familiar with all of the details or what exactly it is that I believe. That said, on to the articles! I enjoyed The Framing of Immigration because there were several lines that jumped out at and me and because I found it easy to understand. The article talked about Bush "framing" the laws in a way that the UN cannot step in and make it a humanitarian crisis. "These bodies do not have roles in the immigration frame, so they have no place in an 'immigration debate'". It also added later on that we "are all complicit in the current problematic situation" since most of us go to Wal-Mart and McDonald's. I thought this was a good article simply because it made me think. However, even though it had graphs and fun pictures to look at, I did not enjoy reading Respect For The Law and Economic Fairness. The pictures and such did a much better job of explaining than the actual article, which made me feel as if I were reading a rulebook. As for the entire issue, I want to look up more information and further develop my opinion. :)

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