Sunday, October 08, 2006

Simple, direct=Coco's style

Hello all--Sorry for the delay in posting, I've been busy with all sorts of junk, I'm home for the weekend and of course forgot my English notebook so now I can't remember what I'm supposed to be focusing on in this post, and the articles that I printed out are also not with me, but ho-hum, I think you'll get the point.
I've been reading some others, and again, it seems like I'm sort of off in my own little world when it comes to this topic--I think we referred to it as the "Colby view" or the "Colby perspective" or something to that effect. I so enjoyed the articles focusing on Mayor Barletta and the situation on Hazleton. His simple, direct quotes had a real impact on me as I stated in class. He's tough--he doesn't take any junk, or "beat around the bush." If there is a "huge problem" with illegal immigrants in Hazleton, or any town for that matter, I think the mayor and community should do whatever they feel is necessary to get rid of these problems, even if it means coming off as harsh and "Terminator-like--" (haha.)
I also was intrigued when the articles touched on the fact that Mayor Barletta seems to be focusing on Hispanic--Mexican--Latino immigrants, (whichever you prefer,) as opposed to immigrants on the whole, and that it seems racist, or that it will bring about racism. If this group of people seem to be the ones causing the trouble, though, why not target them? If it were any other foreigners--French, Chinese, German, whatever---I hope they'd get the same treatment---that they'd be the target. The "Lingo Jingo" article seemed a little long, drawn out--again, I suppose it goes back to my liking a more direct article--but I get the point--I need to look back over it, though--and I'll do that tomorrow when I return to KU, and add more to this post.

OK, I just looked over my notes--and I've been refreshed. We're supposed to look where we are aligning with the text--whether it brings about a "Yeah!" or ""
So....again---the Hazleton articles--as soon as "Pa. City Puts Illegal Immigrants on Notice" introduces Barletta as a "...dapper 50 year old mayor..." I'm intrigued. I read on, I love it, etc etc. I love when they quote him as saying "This isn't racial..."illegal" and "legal" don't have a race." Brilliant! It all goes back to what I was commenting on above. "When the Melting Pot Boils Over" also goes into this in further detail.
"Lingo Jingo" addresses fans of "English Only," pointing out the flaws in that dream. Ho-hum, for I suppose it is a dream of mine---I ignored the fact that the article shoots it down, and instead really enjoyed quotes describing English as "...the vehicle of the thought that has been handed down from the men in whose breasts first burned the fire of freedom." GENIUS! LOVE IT! Also, Teddy Roosevelt's "We must...have but one language. That must be the language of the Declaration of Independence, of Washington's Farewell Address, of Lincoln's Gettysburg speech...." etc. etc--FABULOUS! INSPIRING! I can identify with it. I am typing this at my desk--and on this desk I prominently display a flag I ripped out of the ground that KU was using to drum up enthusiasm for "Rock the Vote." I love America---I love the "Colby view--" George Washington and George Bush and apple pie and Coca-Cola and Henry Ford and Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio and English.

And Mayor Lou Barletta.

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