Friday, October 13, 2006

My late blog about the readings

Man, I am really creative when it comes to blog titles, LOL. Anyhoo, here are my thoughts on the readings:


I really enjoyed this article. I never really took the time to think about my feelings on immigration, but I can say that I agree with a lot of the points brought up in this article. I liked how the author focused on the wording of things... at one point they mention how the term "Immigration problem" focuses on the negative effects of immigration, but it does not truly delve into the issue and how it truly must be fixed (by a higher standard of living for everyone). I also liked the point brought up about illegal immigration being a Civil Rights issue. They are right- even if they are illegal, if these people work in our country and pay our taxes, then technically they are Americans. And even though they are Americans, they have to live in the shadows. Seems like a Civil Rights issue to me! I agree with the statement that the words "Illegal Alien" denote criminality and negative images in the minds of many people. Overall, I really enjoyed the article. It put a lot of things into perspective for me. I think the one quote that truly stuck out to me is this (I may get a word or two wrong, but you get the point): "Terrorists come to destroy the American dream. Immigrants- legal or illegal-come to live the American dream."


I hated this one. It wasn't even the fact that it was 25 pages... I just hated how it was written. Parts of it are written like a manual, and quite frankly, I think that's stupid! Honestly, I read this piece and did not take any of it in. Seriously, you can ask me what it was about and all I will say is "Immigration." I also did not like how most of the quotes did not have their author cited. I rather enjoyed some of those quotes and would have liked to have known who said them, but they didn't write it! Maybe I'm just being dumb and didn't see them. Anyhoo, one thing I did like is all of the pie charts/polls... it was cool to see how people stand on the issue. There was one quote that I really enjoyed. I'm not sure if I agree with it or not, but I just liked the feel of it: "A country that can't control its own borders can't control its own destiny."

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