Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Head? Meet desk. Again, djf;usDG;DJK.

Okay, so the more I think about immigration issues, the more I want to kick something, because, well, it's making my head hurt and I can't verbalize exactly what I think, and it's just frustrating me in general, 'kay?

And of course there's the fact that I should care about it, if only for the fact that it's a decent-sized issue that will be dealt with politically, whether it should be or not, and I'm trying to be politically active and informed and all that good stuff. I... just don't, really, when it gets down to the nuts and bolts. On the large scale, I'd say that yeah, lessen the hoops immigrants have to go through to become citizens so they can to it legally, find a way to legalize those who are already here and really want to be citizens, help those who just want to earn money for their families to do that and do more humanitarian stuff globally so they don't have to come here to make money, but.

Maybe I'm just too jaded to care, because real life is rather lacking. As the cliche goes, life isn't fair, and hey, what I'd like to do would end up trying to make it more fair. Everything that sounds good in theory will probably fail in practice, because of first people, and second chaos. Y'know, butterfly effect and all that? Nothing is a vacuum, "right", "wrong", and laws are just social constructs maybe made more permenent that they should be, and wow I'm a bitch.

Ohgodsthisisnotcool,can'twriteapaperlikethis. *flails*

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