Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Immigration Shmimigration

I was in desperate need of a catchy poetic title and the only thing that came to my sad, tired college mind is Immigration Shmigigration, I give Dr. Mahoney permission to beat me for lack of originality.
Anyway as far as the whole immigration issue is concerned I am more on the progressive side. I am against illegal immigration because after all it is illegal. However I feel that becoming a legal immigrant should become a much easier process. We should of course continue to filter out the criminals but as of now unless you marry an American citizen or are a student, it is very difficult to obtain a precious green card and this needs to be changed. People should be allowed to come over here and given a certain amount of time before they are forced to get a job. I do not see a problem with this since they will be paying taxes and will be earning equal wages therefore they will not be "stealing" jobs. Many people who want to come to the United States do not want to come to commit acts of random violence or steal our jobs, they want to come here to earn money to help support their families. As far as people saying that illegal immigrants take jobs that no one else wants, this is not true. They take jobs with poor conditions and wages so that legal citizens will not take them. So I disagree with people saying that illegal immigrants taking these jobs is ok. I sympathize with these people and I feel that they are entitled to the same rights. Also rather than soley punishing the illegal immigrants, we should put a lot more emphasis on punishing the employers of illegal immigrants. I think that no matter what we do illegal immigration will be a problem however by opening up our borders we can help to ensure that people with positive intentions come into our country rather than criminals and terrorists.

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