Wednesday, October 11, 2006

To tell you the truth, when i first printed out what we had to read I was so mad. In my head i was thinking 25 pages? Seriously, 25 pages?? No way was I gunna be able to read this and understand it. Surprisingly I was proven wrong.
Illegal Immigration Prevention was a great read. I love how it is broken into categories and it has lots of bolded words/passages. The charts in it really helped me to understand just how immigration effects the US. It was very interesting and at the same time very informative. Just as many said this article didn't sound like a campaign speech. It really showed the audience what the concern is and how it effects our every day life.
The other reading, The Framing of Immigration, didn't settle as well with me. The language he uses is really hard to understand personally. The words didn't flow in my mind. It seems like a word scramble to me. I found myself reading over it again and again before i somewhat understood the authors point. It seemed like a campaign speech. The whole framing situation just went over my head. I guess i just wasnt into it enough. My mind was probably too fried from reading the other reading.

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