Monday, October 16, 2006

Procrastinators Unite!

I'm actually glad that we had this assignment because it gave me the chance/oppurtunity/excuse to learn more about this whole ordeal. What's more, I was able to find arguments from both sides. One of my articles involved David Cameron, who believes that "the recent flood of immigration into Britain is a good thing". He was quoted as saying that the gaps in our own labor market are being filled with these migrant workers and that this is not necessarily bad. "When willing, able, and energetic people come to this country to work, they don't crowd out other people from the labor market." He even goes to say that "skiller foreign workers expand our economy and make us more competitive".

Other articles I found were not as positive. In a student-run independent newsweekly called The UWM Post, it was brought up that it is not legal immigrants that many people have a problem with, but the illegal ones. Illegal immigrants pose all kind of problems for our society, including taking up space in jails and driving without insurance; when an accident occurs, our own government tax dollars pay the expenses. Another interesting point brought up in this newsletter was that if illegal immigrants did not take up unwanted or undesirable jobs, the overall pay rate could increase. This is possible because a "surplus of labor" has come over and the corresponding wages have decreased.

In Immigration Realities, by Peter Skerry, one of the major points is that most people in American have a twisted view of immigration. An example of this is that most immigrants do not come here with the intention of staying, but to make enough money to start their own business when they return home. Despite their intentions, however, many do end up rebuilding their lives here.

I have found a lot of articles so far and I can honestly say that I want to continue researching the different views on this topic.

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