Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Shopping Malls, yay!

I actually enjoyed this article; it was easy to understand and mentioned some interesting facts. Something that stuck out for me was that 90% of new products fail to find sufficient buyers to survive. Okay, now, I understand that there are many products out there that never seem to gather a crowd of buyers (Hello, nose-hair trimmer), but I didn't think that number was 90%. Something else I found humorous was when Fiske talked about the mall being open to everyone equally, when really "equality" translates to "people with money that have the potential to buy something". Oh, America. Then he launched into stuff which we already know, such as the large number of teenagers who hang out at the mall and the fact that "nearly 100% of young unemployed women were regular visitors". The funny thing about it was that the author talked of young people "not buying, but taking up space". I thought this was ironic because of what we are talking about in class. However, Fiske made it seem like teenagers taking up space in the mall was a bad thing, at least that is what I got out of it. Maybe it's due to the fact that he immediately began talking about how kids are evicted from the mall with their drugs, alcohol, and sarcastic comments. Well, I at least thought this was better than Sidewalks. :)

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