Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'd Rather Be Shopping...

So I didn't like this article very much. However, I did enjoy the metaphor, "shopping malls are cathedrals of consumption". I think it's very true to say that products are "icons of worship". How often have you seen something you wanted very badly and focused only on that one thing until you got it... or came to terms with the fact that you weren't going to get it. He then goes on to talk about Pressdee's analysis of the local mall's promotion slogan, "Your ticket to a better shopping world: ADMITS EVERYONE". Everyone can go to a mall, but it's not equal in any sense, because only those with money will be able to buy things. Lastly, he goes into detail about how teenagers use malls incorrectly. He says that teenagers go there to hang out, do drugs, drink alcohol; they don't go with the intention of buying things. In this sense they are just taking up space and shouldn't be there. I agree with this. Even though it is a public space, it should be used by those with a purpose, those who are there to use it in the way it was created to be used. Perhaps those teenagers should get a job; then they could go to the mall with money and the ability to buy things.

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