Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Coco thinks you guys are harsh..!

WOOO! There is a lot of intense raging hate for this article----"Shopping for Pleasure: Malls, Power, and Resistance" by John Fiske----and I say, BOO! It was a nice quick article, compared to some of the others--and I feel I understood it's message. It's a little silly too--The article is like something we recently learned about in Theater--a melodrama--it's taking itself very seriously, while the subject matter is actually very light and trivial. The use of the religion metaphor, as well as the "guerilla warfare" remark add weight to something we don't think about all that often. Who cares about Woodruff Park? That's not my kind of shindig. I'll take the mall. I accept the fact that people use it, and that this use often has "unintended consequences" (something we talked about in my Government class today!) One thing that concerns me though--the fact that Fiske uses huge portions of other writings in with his own---although very nicely cited (heehee)---I made that mistake on my first research paper in ninth grade and wound up getting...well, a 96, but ever since then I've cut down. He needs to cut down a smidge. Other than that, let him go! It was a nice article to read over lunch, and ties in with what we've been doing--discovering "truths," intentions, and space.

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