Monday, September 04, 2006

Jess Unleashed....

Hey class. My name is Jess Williams. I am a freshman with a major in Elementary/Special Education. I'm from a small place called Dorrance which is about 20 minutes from Wilkes- Barre. I graduated from Crestwood High School. I was the president of key club and captain of the Cross Country and Basketball Varisty teams. I unfortunately tore my ACL in the beginning of basketball season, so I wasn't able to finish the season out. As of August I was able to play basketball once again, which is sooo exciting. Its my passion and I couldn't stand living with out it. I love Harry Potter and Scooby Doo. I laugh a lot and love to smile. I act like an immature child practically all the time.
I have four best friends that mean the world to me. Their names are Kelsey, Kim, Jess, and Katie. They make me laugh and give me the best memories. I have a boyfriend of 9 months back home and I miss him so much. His name is Adam and I dont know where I'd be without him.
I'm still getting adjusted to Kutztown. Everything is so unfamiliar and its hard meeting new people. This class seems awesome and I can't wait to see what happens this semester. So there ya go....I'm done with talking about myself. I left out some stuff but thats basically me.

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