Monday, September 04, 2006

our dreams are made out of real things

Recycler, clothes maker, tennis player, and many other things

Quite possibly some of the most important things about me were left to the imagination so i am here to clarify on some level. My name is Lena and I probably care about too much. Since i was a little kid i've had a passion for the environment and saving the world. I remember following my father around as he would pick up other people's litter and talk to me about how important it is to care for the environment; just as i recal watching my mother examining insects that she would pin in her abnormally large collection. I am an extremely sentimental and passionate person about many things. ( i frame things like flowers i've been given, ribbons, and wrapping paper). I always said that if i had a choice of one career i would do for the rest of my life i would be a professional tennis player and now that the US open is truly underway, that strangely unrealistic desire of mine is now flying full throttal. I cry at award shows, tennis matches, and the special olympics. I laugh when no one else does at things that aren't supposed to be funny and don't laugh at all when a "funny" joke is told. I own a stethascope that i use to monitor my heartrate (which i am convinced is off track) and to listen to my stomach when i dont feel well. I write poetry, essays, and novels out of order and keep the scraps in various cigar boxes. I have an obsession with James Dean who i think is magnificent, i love the sound of people typing, and i am starting to crochet my own clothing. I do not fall in love easily but once i do there is nothing more important. For me love is the driving force of the world and nothing is more meaningful or beautiful.

I am aware that i made myself sound like a real pansy but im definitely not all that i may seem to be. I'd love to get to know all of you so feel free to say more than hi to me.

ps: im a liberal

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