Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Arts of the contact zone

Mary Lousie Pratt defines the contact zone as social spaces where culotures meet, clash, and grapple with each other. She gave several examples of the contact zone, one of which was a letter from Pietchmann to King Philip III of Spain. The letter was written in Spanish and Quechua and was a contact zone becuase it showed a blending of the two cultures. An example Mary Lousie Pratt gave that I could actually identify with was the multicultural classroom. The classroom is full of people from diverse background and different experiences. When people come together they can learn from each other. Pratt sags the joys of the contact zone include wonder, and revelation, mututal understanding and new wisdom. Contact zones are places where different people can come together as equals and discuss anything. The contact zone is public space forum for people to gather and discuss issues. Kutztown University is more of a cantact zone than a public space.

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