Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Here's what I got out of this reading.

This article begins with the words "Imperialism did not end..." These articles tell about the different interactions between nations and the different ways the different nations affect each other. The article says that imperalism is a powerful force and the more economically developped countries are better able to harness that force and hold power over weaker countries. The essay goes on to say that America has become the strongest nation and is dominant over other countries, and feels that the US can send their militray wherever they want and accomplish any end they want through their military means. Hence "imperialism did not end." The second article talks about protests and how they have changed the world. Protests have changed the "principle of confinment." The article says that in order to be governed the government must know about the people its governing, through censuses, taxes, education, etc. From all the interacting of the different countries people and cultures have mixed and "No one today is purely one thing." Imperialism mixed cultures from all around the world and people have more ethinc background mixes, and more cultural heritage around them.

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