Monday, October 17, 2005


I liked this article. I tend to agree with Kim, that there is too much racist in the United States and that the media and government are trying to hide it. When I was first reading this I found it to be pretty boring, but then I got to the section about the Newsweek article I literally started laughing out loud. Some of the things that people wrote back to her just shows you how ignorant the country is. The fact that somebody in prison, who obviously wasnt an exceptional writer was smart enough to understand things that people who are socially excepted as "well-educated" could not amused me very much. Here's a nice quote that shows how ignorant some of those people were:
"Korea and Asia for that matter has not had...a noticeable impact on the shaping of Western Culture, and Korea has had unfortunately little culture of its own"
My roommate asked me what was wrong when I read this because I was laughing so hard. This same person also made the point that America brought Beethoven and the Beatles into the world.

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