Monday, September 26, 2005


My paper on KU public space revolves firstly on how Kutztown University presents itself and its residents/students. I go through its various uses of propaganda which presents an image to the public, not only of itself, but also of the students who represent it. Most of my examples are ones that have already been discussed in class (ie. the clocktower, the website, etc.) however, i have added a few new ones, and went a little more in depth in terms of what we talked about in class. The second part of my paper focuses on the public space which Kutztown the town and the university offers to its relative "public." How do they present this as public space, and how does the 'public' actually use this space? Theres really not much more to it than that, but if anyone has any suggestions on what else i could incorporate, I am more than open to new ideas!!!!!

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