Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Angus is such a funny word when you look at it.

Ian Angus's primary concern is that the means of disseminating opinion and news that are unbiased are very limited in our current democracy. He appears to place blame upon our media institutions, which have their own agendas and therefore the objectivity of their reporting is in question. Lack of clear information does not allow an accurate discourse on the issue and thusly affects the public's perception of the issues and those in positions of power. Angus seems to think that this has come about as the result of the lack of public space where such issues can be openly discussed and opinions can be formed. Only when these ideas and opinions can be truly formed and expressed will there be a true participatory democracy. Without this, we are only acting on/reacting to the common manner of thinking of the greater society, and becoming a society of apathetic thinkers being spoon-fed what those in power desire us to know.

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