Friday, September 02, 2005

Post 1: "Culture is Ordinary"

My name is Evan Battilana. I'm from West Chester, PA and very glad not to be there anymore. I'm a freshman at KU. I like to play Ultimate and Football. I'm a huge fan of Football and especially the Eagles. I just got my driver's license a month ago and I tend to see speed limits in doubles.After reading "Culture is Ordinary" it seems to me that Williams is all over the place with his descriptions of Culture. Even in re-reading it, the only constant that I can find is change. Everything he says is about how Culture is never the same from one moment to another. "The making of a society...and its growth is an active debate and amendment". Amendment is the same word used for changes in our Constitution, which is considered to be a living document because it is always changing. This change is based on the Culture and opinions of the people alive at that time. "All men are created equal" means a very different thing than it did 200 years ago.Williams shows how things can change even just from one generation to the next. His grandfather was a manual laborer, his father worked for the railroad, and he himself went to grammar school and was eventually educated at Cambridge. This is the same now. My grandparents never had a thought in their mind to go to college. My mother only went because her company asked her to and paid for it. For me and other people my age it is expected to go to college. In just 50 years people go from being surprised that you're going to college to surprised if you don't go to college.
Because of all this I think Culture is ordinary. Every Culture is ordinary for the people that are in it. They created it based on their opinions and beliefs so for it to be anything other than ordinary would be ridiculous.

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