Monday, September 24, 2007


This subject has been tossed around as it's of the meater variety of the two being discussed. The arguements previously made focus on Fish's examples of people of different racial backgrounds make claims that don't come into the exact context they're trying to demonstrate it within. When someone pulls the discrimination card it must come into the context of what the situation it's being use to retort. My point is thus; When the Israelites are questioned for their treatment of the Palestinian refugees, they call us Anti-Semitic. Yet we haven't said anything of hatred or prejudice toward them, demanding some form of inferior treatment of them. Instead we only make a simple critique. This reverse racism used to defend oneself from any attack is a gutsy move on anyone's part, for it not only makes one looks ridiculous to the aware and changes the defnition of racism to the ignorant or uninformed.

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