Tuesday, September 25, 2007


To be honest, what I have grasped through the assigned text is a sense of skepticism. Is the issue of discrimination really that critically complicated?

Having considered terms like “racism”, “oppression” or “domination” a part of the past, I thus taste a little surprise realizing how much considerably the issue is still open to question. It seems that this controversial issue is not totally operated and settled down to its final judgment. That means black and “yellow” Asian are still subject to discrimination, either physically or mentally. That means an unsecured situation. That means threats.

Through the 3 texts, I happened to sympathize with the "black", the "unprivileged" persona dilemma in the two last ones. I happened to figure out a slight discrimination in the relations of those readings compared to the "Our School" overall implication. If ever the "Our School" is to emphasize on the illiteracy, the incompetence of academic abilities of black folks? Does it indicate that the "merit" factor should have more decisive power over the admission process, ensuring white males not to lose their opportunities in entering honorable universities to "inferior" black males, the ones who seem to receive "compensation"? Is it fair after all?

I have not found out the answer yet.

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