Wednesday, October 11, 2006

today's articles

hello all-

so how did everyone enjoy these two articles? my first reaction was that i ran out of printer paper to print both articles [i read better in ink than pixels], so i was rather mad.. yea. anyway, i enjoyed both articles although i didn't agree with the stances promoted in the first one. i'm pretty much against illegal immigration and agree with most of what the second article said about prevention, and how by breaking laws by immigrating illegally communicates that america's laws are optional (kind of like speed limit signs on the highway - completely optional!). granted, laws are optional, but there is a severe punishment for most when they're broken. for example, if i didn't file my taxes, i'd get an earful from the government about 'stealing money', and have to pay it PLUS interest, etc. etc. etc.

i definitely noticed that it was less of an article and more of a guidebook for politics, which i thought was interesting. i dunno why i thought it was so interesting, but i enjoyed reading it as opposed to an article with the same ideas. i suppose it was a little more persuasive.

ok.. that's what i've got to say, i guess.

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