Monday, October 02, 2006


I thought the two stories went very well together. They both echoed the same theme. I think both speak volumes about diversity and how it can be a hindrance to acceptance in this country. The United States is a melting pot of cultures and I think it is a shame that peoples' backgrounds are looked down upon. We can learn so much from each other and instead we choose to make people conform to what we perceive to be acceptable.

I particularly enjoyed "How to Tame A Wild Tongue." I love the way that she made her story bilingual. It perfectly echoed the point she was trying to get across. I took Spanish in high school so I was able to follow along pretty well with what she was saying. For someone who knows no Spanish what so ever, this would be a pretty difficult read.

In "Passport Photos", I enjoyed that pictures were included. I felt that they were an asset to the reading as a whole. I think the article could've been a little shorter but it wasn't terribly drawn out either.

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