Tuesday, October 10, 2006


The importance emphasized on choosing your words was something I found very interesting in "The Framing of Immigration". When dealing with immigration and the current situation with Mexicans, words are very powerful and have an almost subconcious effect when heard or read. The disection of "illegal alien" was really cool. The overtones it gives while dehumanizing the people crossing over into the US is very real yet almost unnoticeable. I also agreed about how the US should look into other areas rather than just enforcing a law on "illegal immigrants." Good questions to ask are: Why is this happening? What could we do to help as a global community? Looking beyond the fact of people coming over to the US, we should look into everything that has led up to this point. What are the social and economic issues arising and the cause of this mass immigration movement? What would cause a person to leave everything they know and move hundreds of miles away with risk to their lives?
The US should be sypathetic to these refugees, not aggressive. These people are coming here to live the American Dream and Americans are spitting in their faces. Their culture is stripped from them and along, sometimes, with even their own language. Yet, they would rather stay here then go back home..What is wrong with that picture?
The working system is not healthy when it comes to migrant workers coming over and getting paid so little for working so hard. Wages in general should increase in the US. Also fair trade should be installed where it is already working in small farms and villages across the world. It involves direct involvement between companies and the farms where they are given a decent amount of money for their labors and produce and are guaranteed a long-term business relationship. It helps farmers pay their workers more money and support themselves. Perhaps if FairTrade was installed more throughout Mexico, there could be more jobs created. But this is only for those who want to go in the farming direction. The US just shouldn't be so eager to push people out of its country who actually on many levels, keep this country going economically.

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