Thursday, December 07, 2006

Illegal Participation on the Illegal Immigrants. 5 yard penalty, repeat 1st down

American society today gives a lot of attention to sports. The Super Bowl is an unofficial holiday in this country and what better way to give attention to an issue influencing the United States than with a comparison to sports. What is causing havoc in sports? Steroids. What is causing havoc in the United States? Illegal immigration.
The government has decided to take action on both steroids in sports and illegal immigration. Awkwardly enough, more progress seems to have been made with the steroids issue. This is where I come in. I will show you the comparative points of illegal immigration and steroids and how each are impacting this country. Athletes are role models to kids and what they do becomes the right thing to do. Illegal immigrants live in the US and take advantage of federal programs that they do not need to pay taxes for. What is being attempted to be done to stop or prevent both problems from occurring will be addressed thoroughly. Local and federal laws to punish illegal immigration are the starting point for curbing the impact of illegal immigration. Suspensions and fines by sports organizations are prevalent but are starting to increase in severity as well as federal government intervention. Within the paper, Major League Baseball is the main focus for the steroids portion of the paper since this is the most noticeable sport with a steroids problem.
So as I asked in my previous entry...what do a migrant worker and Mark McGuire have in common? A lot. The government is breathing down both of their necks and neither want the government to know about their actions. That's a start.

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