Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Teens and Shopping Malls

Well if I may say, I was not a big fan of Fiske's writing. I don't really like his style of writing and I didn't really like the way he presented his ideas. I understood where he was going with the whole metaphor of consumerism as a religion(after I read the story like 3 times) and his ideas behind it. However, i don't think it was a very good metaphor and I think any ordinary person reading this would stop after the first two sentences. I also felt as though I wasn't being persuaded to think of things from his point of view, it felt more like I had to think of it his way. He didn't leave any other options for the reader.

With that said ... I understand why it would be annoying to have teenagers go to the mall without intention to buy anything , but at the same time why isn't it annoying the older people go to the mall just to walk around with no intention to buy anything? This is where I think Fiske is being ageist. Its alright for adults to do something but as soon as a tennager does that same thing it becomes a problem. I mean the adults are doing anything illegal but maybe if the mall tended to these teenagers the way they did the adult they wouldn't be. For instance, the provided an exercise area for the mall walkers, maybe if they just set a aside a section of the mall with tables and chairs for the kids to sit and hang out they wouldn't have as many problems as they do.

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