Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Right.... So I struggled to read this thing and nearly fell asleep. I'm not going to go into great detail about the article, because I fear that without a bit of paraphrasing - from some brave, masochistic soul who could dodge Fiske's striking command of the English language to extract real meaning - that I'm not well enough informed as to the contents of the reading to write anything of value. I will however input a little something of my own opinion.

Friske's rampage about how shopping and religion are very deeply similar may be a great metaphor in passing, with a couple lines of supporting detail, however his incessant crusade is far too much. Hanging out at the mall is an activity that any parents I know would approve of over many alternative... we'll say "passtimes"... in which youths are able to partake. Honestly, I go to the mall to get what I need and I get out. But, for some people, they just enjoy being there, I suppose one could feel as if it's the heart of social activity in a young persons life. Friske also makes insinuations that the only mall-frequenters are, supposedly, a striking percentage of unemployed young people, and that there exists a cause-and-effect relationship. One might go so far as to imagine Friske's idea of going to the mall without having to buy something as some sort of pagan tradition; something to be scorned; mocked; punishable. I'd love to see crime and drug rates in suburban areas explode if suddenly malls everywhere closed, then be there with a Lazy-Boy and popcorn to watch Friske scramble for words.

ps - Next time you're at the mall, mentally note the ages of everyone you see. The malls around my area? Bunch of elderly folk sitting on benches people-watching. I know that it's probably not the case everywhere, but my opinion stands: Friske needs to get over himself.

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