Tuesday, April 11, 2006

So how is everyone?

So, no one has left anything since Greg tried to get us all some tickets to the daily show. I am taking a chance on the fact that maybe some of you actually check back on this thing everyonce in a while. I just wondered how everyone is doing. The blog is here, so I think we should at the least use it. I propose, since it was for a comp class, and that is something that can be associated with English, we should use it as a way to recommend and talk about books with each other. I know that this may be a lot to ask of some of you, but I think it could be a fun way to both keep in touch and still use this thing, rather than let it be a waste of cyber-space. That means you too Mahoney. With all of this in mind I will start off. I'll try to keep it down to a minimum Ben Post.

Recently, I have read a very good series of books put out by the New Internationalist, a British magazine. These books are part of my reading for class in Honors International Studies. These books are great. If you ever find yourself trying to have a political discussion, and you tend to be liberal, sorry Amber, these books offer a wealth of facts. They tend to definitely bring out the facts that they see as important, and write off the facts of the opoosition as manipulated, but they are in general a really good resource. Most recently, we have read about fair trade. This is an issue that I have known a little about for a long time, but this really crystallized some of my ideas and my resolution to take some action to effect change, even if it is only on a small scale. I think that fair trade is something that could completely replace free trade, if people would be willing to look beyond their own wants and needs, and be willing to pay fair wages to producers in other countries. I liked one of the ideas that I got from one of the resources called Equal Exchange. There are large companies that produce both fair trade coffee and fair trade chocolate. My idea is that I will try to get my local grocery store to start carrying them. I think that it will be one way to make a small difference. If people see the goods, and they are available for purchase, they will be more likely to buy fairly.

That is about all I am going to say for now. I hope that this gets to some of you ande that you think that it is a worthwhile oportunity to keep in touch and exchange some thoughts and ideas. Until someone responds, later.

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