Thursday, December 07, 2006

Honest Abe a Babe?

Image in politics? It's everything...from that foxy babe in the tie and suit to the steely gaze of the done-up eye, we are undeniably affected by these images, whether positively or negatively. For instance, it's not unusual for a woman to have a "campaign uniform," or for those devilishly handsome Presidents to have wicked affairs. We see it, acknowledge it, accept or reject it, and then vote depending on our feelings. I delve in to it, analyze it, wonder...wonder about Marilyn Monroe and JFK, wonder about Abe Lincoln and his (lack of?) looks...I get sentimental over George Bush and a turkey, and get sick over Clinton. Why? Supposedly, there are still people who pay attention to the words, who disregard the faces...but for those of us who judge that book by it's cover, beautiful or otherwise, we are moved by it, motivated to vote or abstain, to trust or refuse. Image in politics--it's intense, important, and above all, maddeningly interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I told you I would humiliate you by leaving a comment and I couldn't dissapoint. I love the title and your writing style. :( last colby comp comment ever