I have finally decided on a topic for my blog paper. I have decided to build off of the report on how Kutztown University uses space and write about how the town itself uses space and is organized. Kind of like an "All About Kutztown." Just so that makes sense it is a reference to a board game series from the early eighties. The only reason I know about the All About Town games is because I have the Scranton edition buried in my basement at home. In all seriousness however It was really kind of fascinating to walk around Kutztown and watch the buildings and people transform literally from street to street. On one street you see rows of broken down houses, garages with smashed windows, and a couple suspicious looking people that may or may not have been making a drug deal. Cut through an alley and go one street over and you see rows and rows of small, almost identical red brick houses and the only people outside are raking up leaves. In the blog report I am going to attempt to show people the many sides of Kutztown.
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