Monday, October 24, 2005

<3 OmG pAsSpOrT pHoToZ lOl! <3

In my extreme boredom, I titled this post in typical middle school blog fashion. Also, I'm trying to crunch this in before my 2:00 class, so I'm probably gonna screw something up.

Anyway, in his article, Passport Photos, Kumar wants to demonstrate the feelings that an immigrant feels as he is integrated into our American culture. He begins with a quote from Salman Rushdie that compares a book to a passport. Like someone will read an overview of a book before opening it up and becoming familiar with the many subtle intricacies of it, the immigration officer looks at the outside appearance of the person and what's written on the passport and judges the person based on that.

He also uses many diverse examples from American life and pop culture to show his point. His pictures also have a lot of meaning behind them. The one on page 499, of homeless people sleeping within walking distance of the White House demonstrates a great constrast of economic status in such close proximity to one another, and it seems like the people in power, at the White House, don't really care that people without a home are sleeping outside of it. His picture of the shop advertisement on page 500 shows a misunderstanding of our language by people new to our country, and to a person on the outside, we may think that the people who run the store are stupid for not knowing our language, or look down upon then for whatever other reason. The picture of the road sign on the next page shows a similar language barrier that I looked at in my previous blog post about this article.

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