Find out in my exciting new paper!
P.S. Sorry for the late post! :]
This blog is part of Kevin Mahoney's ENG 025 College Composition courses for fall 2005. One of the key issues that is raised by our current culture is the status of on-line and collaborative writing. This blog will serve as a class journal of sorts. Here we will respond to readings, other students, and begin to form positions and arguments. We will also consider the broader "public" that will have access to what we write.
The process of becoming an American citizen is something many go through each year. At the same time, with so many immigrants coming into the country one has to wonder why more aren’t becoming naturalized. This process seems like the simple solution to reduce the number of illegal immigrants living in this country. Is it really that simple though? What is naturalization, how did it start, and what does it entail?
In my paper, I answer all these questions so you, the reader, can have a more complete understanding of an important aspect of our American culture. The information is presented in an informative manner in order to explain the naturalization With the issue of immigration being such a hot topic right now, it is important to know about what would appear to be an easy solution to the problem of illegal immigration. Find out about naturalization in this paper.